XI.2: The Growth of Corporations

Corporations do not get bigger because they get more complicated. Rather, corporations get more complicated because they get bigger. In my earlier post, I presented Jane Jacobs’ argument that by their nature governments get bigger and their growth causes them to get more complicated. But Jacobs also applied the same principle to private organizations, like … Read more

X.4: Can Regulation Actually Work?

Capitalism has enlarged and enriched the middle class. But there’s a problem – capitalists seek to monopolize a market. That CEO in the television interview I mentioned in my earlier post laid it out honestly and correctly. Without competition, eventually the most effective capitalist will own the entire planet. In other words, capitalism is so … Read more

III.1: Campaign Contributions, Free Speech, and Bribes

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that campaign contributions are a form of free speech. That is, your freedom to help a politician pay for advertisements is similar to your freedom to speak on his or her behalf. But you support a politician because you want them to support your personal interests over other people’s … Read more

I.3: American Society’s Most Fundamental Needs

Humanity’s biggest problem is human nature. But humans cannot change human nature. So, to meet American society’s most fundamental needs, we need a government that restrains our nature. And compared to history, our government does a marvelous job of that. But by any absolute standard, our government fails to stop corruption. That tells us that … Read more

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